LauraLynn Visit

April 23, 2023

Whilst the POTUS was in Dublin today we had our very own special invitation event. We were invited to the Lauralynn Children's Hospice to meet the Community Fundraising Executive and staff to discuss the incredible work they do and how our fundraising and awareness efforts are making a difference.

We were absolutely delighted to talk about our adventures and the exciting plans ahead. We would like to thank Cathy and all the staff for hosting us today and we look forward to working closely with Lauralynn Children's Hospice throughout the rest of the Aviation Ireland Challenge.

I was personally overwhelmed at the story behind the founding of the Hospice and to also learn that Lauralynn is the only children's Hospice in Ireland. Today's visit has given me a renewed drive to ensure that I/we maximise The Adventures of Capt Paddy T Bear and Lucky for LauraLynn – Ireland’s Children’s Hospice and Dogs Trust Ireland .
